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Seabreeze Property Services, Inc. offers a year around comprehensive package of property services at many locations throughout Southern Maine—including the Portland Jetport, Mercy Hospital, National Semiconductor and the iconic Portland Headlight at Ft. Williams. Our expert services add value to your property, fit into your schedule—and budget. With Seabreeze Property Services’ proven track record, customers can be assured that the work will be handled professionally and reliably. And, best of all, we guarantee your satisfaction. Seabreeze Property Services owners and hands-on managers are brothers John and Pete Kelly. Through frequent visits to your property, Pete and John personally ensure that every aspect of their work is high quality—and that quality is maintained. Our job is to make your job easier.
We provide expert comprehensive property services that add value to your property and fit into your schedule--and budget:
- Property Maintenance
- Project Design, Management & Construction
- Pavement Repair & Maintenance
- Landscape Design & Construction