Profiles: Pavement Repair

Save Money with Pavement Repair & Maintenance
In today's economy, property owners and managers are challenged with the goal of maintaining curb appeal with dwindling budgets. Instead of repaving your parking lots, driveways, and walkways; why not patch, fill and sea cracks and holes to preserve the integrity our pavement and save money? As part of our services, Seabreeze Property Services will repair the pavement, restripe the surface and add other pavement markings as needed. All with very little down time.

Save the Plow
Every winter, snowplowing raises havoc with the manhole covers on Old Orchard Beach’s streets, driveways, and parking lots. The plows catch the rise on the manhole, crumbling the surrounding pavement and causes expensive damage to the municipal plows. The town’s Operations Foreman, Mike Perrone, contacted Seabreeze Property Services for a cost-effective solution. Seabreeze created a permanent repair by patching, filling and sealing the pavement to create a rise around the manhole. This preserved the integrity of the pavement and saved thousands of dollars and man-hours on costly plow repairs. Seabreeze and the town fixed the problem today and saved on capital expenses of repaving in the long term—a win-win situation.

Driving Profits
With more than $50 million in annual sales and five locations statewide, Pape Auto is one of the largest car dealers in Maine. And that means a lot of pavement to maintain. That’s why Pape calls upon Seabreeze Property Services to repair the extensive pavement around the properties. Seabreeze conducts an annual assessment to evaluate the pavement and devise a cost-effective year-round plan to preserve and repair Pape’s pavement investment and save money. From removing debris, sand, and trash with a complete cleaning every spring to a winter application of salt, Seabreeze keeps Pape’s pavement tuned-up all year round. Each year, Seabreeze extends Pape’s pavement life and prevents further damage from the freeze-thaw cycle by filling cracks and patching the pavement with rubberized sealant. Seabreeze’s specialized sealcoat protection process beautifies and improves the pavement and the surface lots. Pape saves truckloads of money. And Seabreeze gets the job done with minimal confusion and inconvenience to Pape’s customers and employees.