Profiles: Project Design

Save Money on Project Design, Management & Construction
Whether you need new sidewalks and curbing or a drainage or grade repair, Seabreeze has a creative and affordable solution. You name the project: pool decks, gazebos, retaining walls, curb cuts, catch basins; you can rely on Seabreeze for any project around your property to optimize the curb appeal, attractiveness and safety of your property.

Affordable Solutions

For nearly a decade, the parking lot at the First Lutheran Church in Portland had a problem: water and run-off collecting on the pavement. Every winter the water froze, and every spring it thawed, creating a huge frost heave that cracked the pavement and wreaked havoc with the parking lot. The church building committee tried short-term solutions but the next year, the pavement heave always returned. So, the committee turned to Seabreeze for a permanent fix that would work within the church’s limited budget. Seabreeze quickly got to work to research and engineer a creative and permanent solution: they dug a drainage culvert, laying small pipes below grade to divert water from the parking lot, thus eliminating the water runoff. Then they fixed the cracked pavement by cutting, excavating, and removing the asphalt and then sealing the crack with hot rubber. The project was completed with hydroseeding. Thanks to the project management capabilities offered by Seabreeze, the church found a creative and affordable solution. The talented team at Seabreeze has managed and installed a myriad of projects including construction of pool decks, fences, patios, walkways, volleyball courts, dog runs, and playgrounds.

Pavement RX
Martin’s Point Healthcare operates a 5-building campus on a promontory point overlooking Portland’s Casco Bay. When Facilities Manager Eugene Gilles requires maintenance or a special project, his first call is to Seabreeze Property Management. Seabreeze is the “go to” company for maintaining the Martin’s Point roadways and parking lots. Gilles finds that Seabreeze’s proactive schedule of cutting, paving, striping, sealing and sealcoating of the pavement is the most cost effective approach to keep up with critical pavement maintenance. Because parking is at a premium, Seabreeze accommodates the facility’s needs by working on paving projects at nights and weekends to avoid disruption during business hours. During a major construction project, Seabreeze created new temporary sidewalks and parking and configured 80 new spaces to expand the parking areas for staff and patients. Gilles rates Seabreeze Property Management as a great company because they can do anything that he asks of them—and they do it promptly—well-deserving of their professional reputation.